Christian Stockinger

Software engineer with passion for Unity and C#

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You have been sent to Halcyon Moon to build a base for your company. Shortly after your arrival, you lose contact with an outpost. This moon, which seemed so promising at first, but turns out to be a death trap. You were never alone here, and now they're after you....

Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 Rank 66 of 1043 (7Days)
Lead Developer / Producer / Graphic Design
C# Unity Photoshop Ilustrator WebGl GitlabCI Docker Git Buttler

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As a miner, you try to dig even deeper into the ground when you accidentally hit a lava shaft. Since the lava rises quickly, the miner must run fast to avoid getting burned.

1Up Jam 2020 Rank 2 of 11 (2Days)
Lead Developer / Producer / Graphic Design
C# Unity Photoshop GitlabCI Docker Git Buttler

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